Sunday, October 31, 2010


Football season is upon us and this Packer-Viking game was a nail biter! We won but it was scary and stressful. I like a larger margin but it was a win! This was the anniversary couple, many more!( with Packer victories!) The food was exceptional, especially the home-made dip provided by Doug and Melissa. The Festy burgers provided a nice compliment to the meal. Unfortunately the crock pot exploded on the stove so the beans hit the ground-hope that it never happens again, what a mess.Thanks to Walt, the die hard Viking fan who bets every year on a win-sometimes he gets lucky, not so this year! It is always nice to beat the Vikings, especially with the traitor at the helm:) Thanks Walt for the Godiva chocolate truffles, they were scrumptious. I did share them with Tony.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Projects Galore-Woodworking Season

This is the sewing room prior to remodeling. This project was long overdue. Tony is designing a large cutting table with cupboards and I am anxiously awaiting the finished room. Mark will plaster the walls and ceiling in November, then the floor needs refinishing. I think we may rent a machine and do the floor ourselves.
So many projects, a new base for the TV is first on the agenda and shares the stage with Pella Windows, the first one goes in this weekend.I will be busy with the painting in the sewing room and our bedroom, Mark is plastering that room too.