The time frame of our vacation approached quickly. We waited anxiously for the departure date, well, not exactly. We were pretty busy with construction of the gazebo for Penny and Bob. The first day out was to Edina. Since the trip was only 5.5 hrs., we took our time, slept in and left Green Bay around 2:00 p.m.

The following day after enjoying an evening with Chris and family, we headed out west toward Utah. We were well rested so we were up early and hit the road by 6:50 a.m. We drove 14 hrs. that first day and knocked out quite a stretch of interstate. For the first time ever, I saw a bull moose casually walking approximately 12 ft. from the interstate. It was a huge animal with a rack to match and no worries. Naturally, the camera was in the back, zipped up safe and sound, so alas, no picture!
This was a priceless day with grandsons and Debbie and Margaret at the Dinosaur Museum.
The kids had a ball digging for bones in the archaelogical dig site. They usually leave their shoes outside the dig and since it is all sand, they love it. Eli likes his sandals on however!
There was a velcro build the dinosaur activity,
sometimes it was a rather strange looking dinosaur due to placement of the pieces but they had fun and many ideas relative to the construction of this dinosaur.
Many of the pieces were larger than the kids!
The water and sand table is always a favorite.

It often proves difficult to convince your children to leave this neat experience. Moms love getting in on the action too and are hesitant to leave as well.