We planned, packed, hit the road by 4. Tony worked daily on the beds, DONE! We were excited to be heading out. I took off two days early from work and the time flew by quickly. I can not believe how quickly!
This trip was different! We were relaxed, took our time and arrived Friday at Brian's. We spent two and one half days driving, three days with Brian's family and three days with Barry's family. Then, two and one half days driving home again. The drive was uneventful, roads were clear, called ahead for lodging, thank goodness!(lots of sports competitions had filled hotels)
We made good time, no accidents, but $4200.00 damage to the truck from the blowing sand, gravel,and snow in Wyoming. I remember spending the night at Little America last year, we didn't call ahead and the Inn was full, slept in the truck. Very comforable (heated recliner seats) but not quite as nice as a hotel room.(Silverado, of course!)
This year we got to Laramie and could not continue. If we had made it to Rawlins, we would have been OK but I-80 was closed the next morning for that stretch, bummer. We waited 90 minutes at a truck stop. Such a traffic experience on I-80, cars and semis as far as you could see when the road opened, just like a big city traffic jam.
Parleys Canyon had a rollover and we were caught for 90 minutes in another traffic jam. Unreal, I'm not sure who was in the rollover that blocked all three lanes but the car did not look good. Prayers needed for that person for sure.