Monday, May 25, 2009

Woodworking Season Never Ends

These are just two of the many projects that Tony designs and builds for the kids. It takes a considerable amount of time for construction. After all, you do have to plant the acorn.

Tony loves the orders and the hobby is fun for him so it is not like work.

He currently has a special order from Andy for bunk beds just like Harry and Ella. CJ inherited Andy's fire engine bed so now he needs a bed. (If CJ wants a bed he should order it this summer and then Grampa Tony could make two at once.) The kids select their wood and stain and then they wait. The wood and craftsmanship are complimentary and the joy by the craftsman is unable to be measured.

Sunday, May 24, 2009


There are many reasons to visit Utah, one of the most important is to visit kids and grandkids!
The scenery is fantastic, animals abound, and the weather is warm. Well, hot, when we travel out there in summer. We spend much time in Craig and Gretchen's pool and outside anyway. Who dares to let the weather rule their life?

These pictures reflect some of the best reasons though to visit that state.
It seems there are always helpers no matter what chore you are attempting and they work relatively cheap.
A quick trip to Baskin Robbins for ice cream usually is a great motivator.

Custer State Park has so many animals.

Ben always gets hyper when he actually sees them roaming all over the place.

Come to think of it, so do I! Bison, goats, donkeys, bears, you name it, Custer State Park or Yellowstone has it!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Flowers and More Flowers

This is a rhododendron bush, it only blooms in the spring. Early spring, but it is beautiful while it lasts. The crab apple tree is in full bloom, glorious pink right now so very awesome and fragrant in the back yard.
Wow, unexpected bouquets from Blake and Tea, accent the e to pronounce. I don't know how to do that! Thanks again for your thoughtfulness, it is nice to be remembered.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Sunday, Mother's Day, cold and and rainy, a typical spring day for May in Wisconsin, 57 degrees will be the high if we are fortunate. That's OK, I need a break from gardening! I have been planting my planters and splitting perennials all week. I will hold off on the tomatoes and green peppers until May 20th.(Bob's advice)
This is the plant from Barry, Margaret, and CJ. What a beauty! I think I will leave it on the screen porch so it doesn't freeze. Thank you very much! I had a beautiful card from Penny and a phone call from Brian. Thanks for thinking of me, all are appreciated. Doug and Melissa are coming for dinner with their children, it will be fun. Tony is grilling, it is not a day to go out for breakfast or dinner, far too busy.