Another day off! I can't remember the last time we had two days off for cold weather but I am enjoying every minute of it.(the time off, not the bitter cold) It was -17 with a wind chill of 32-40 below. I am trying to remember why I like Wisconsin. Tonight it is supposed to be -25 and on Saturday 3-6 inches of snow.
Girl scouts started selling cookies today so spring must be just around the corner.
When it's still dark on the drive to work and dark when one leaves work, it is definitely woodworking season in the toasty warm basement. This is the start of our new desk, total disaster. (wife's opinion) She could not imagine the finished project.

Never judge a project until it's completed. The desk was the the final touch on the remodel of our rec. room. We needed a place to put the computer other than the dining room table.
My winter hobby starts in the fall and goes through the end of May. It moves from furniture building to home improvements. I look at woodworking and home improvement projects as entertainment, not work. It sure beats looking at the "tube" every night even if it's only for an hour or so.
The desk was a brain child after we remodeled our kitchen. We liked the granite counter top in the kitchen and decided to use it on the desk top.

Thus the finished product, almost, the next step will be adding some type of book shelves above the desk. The final design hasn't been determined yet, still in the planning stages.
Pat admits that the desk did turn out classy! One needs much patience, putting it together was like figuring out a large jigsaw puzzle.